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UNFPA hands over CD4 machine to orphanage

UNFPA hands over CD4 machine to orphanage


UNFPA hands over CD4 machine to orphanage

calendar_today 11 May 2007

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) conducted a three day orientation workshop in Addis Ababa for representatives of the Ministry of Women Affairs and Regional Women's Affairs Bureaus.

The workshop had the objectives of fostering partnership and establishing common objectives and strategies for implementing UNFPA Ethiopia's 6 th Country Programme activities; and creating awareness and establishing consensus around gender concepts, themes, tools and strategies central in implementation of activities such as gender mainstreaming gender-based violence, and reproductive rights. The workshop also aimed at establishing clarity on UNFPA funding policies and procedures.

“UNPFA's focus of support in relation to gender is aimed at institutional capacity building in gender mainstreaming and community capacity building in the areas of reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, and gender-based violence,” noted Monique Rakotomalala, UNFPA Representative to Ethiopia making an opening remark at the workshop. She went on to say that UNFPA is committed to support projects that address women and girl's vulnerability in these areas and she cited as a case in point the Early Marriage Project in the Amhara region which the UNFPA is supporting.

Around 30 participants took part in the workshop. The workshop which was conducted from 8 th to 10 th of May 2007 considered such issues, among others, gender mainstreaming, gender and reproductive health, gender-based violence, gender and media, gender and advocacy.

The workshop was largely facilitated by UNFPA Gender Officers with technical contributions of WHO and the Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association (EWLA). UNFPA programme officers contributed to the briefing sessions through the presentations they made.