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Strategic Partnership on Humanitarian Response

Strategic Partnership on Humanitarian Response

Strategic Partnership on Humanitarian Response

UNFPA has been working closely with the Government of Ethiopia, particularly the Ministries of Health and Women and Children Affairs, with a focus on addressing high priorities in humanitarian situations. These priorities are the reduction and prevention of maternal mortality; promotion of family planning; prevention of Gender-Based Violence and promotion of gender equality; and effective implementation of response to the urgent sexual and reproductive health needs, including those of adolescents and youth, through investment in the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for reproductive health in crisis situations. MISP is defined as a coordinated set of priority activities designed to: prevent and manage the consequence of sexual violence; reduce HIV transmission; prevent excess maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality; and plan for comprehensive RH services in the early days and weeks of an emergency.

The Government of Ethiopia has adopted a new strategic framework that is comprised of three main pillars to address humanitarian emergencies and transition to sustainable development. These Pillars are applicable to the Health and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH), Education, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Nutrition, Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items. UNFPA has a set of strategic interventions under each of these pillars with emphasis on interdependency between and among these pillars.

Under Pillar 1, “Prevention,” UNFPA is working closely with the Federal Ministry of Health to prevent maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality through implementation of a number of interventions such as strengthening the referral system, equipping the capacity of the referral health facilities, and promotion of family planning as a crosscutting intervention. 

Under Pillar 2, “Response,” UNFPA in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Health and other stakeholders will be implementing emergency reproductive health integrating MISP into emergency health service delivery and response.  The Federal Ministry of Health and Regional Health Bureaus have already adopted and are implementing the MISP approach as a standardized set of coordinated priorities.  MISP should be implemented at the onset of every emergency.

Under Pillar 3, “Recovery and Rehabilitation,” UNFPA is supporting and strengthening the Health System through a number of interventions: provision of key medicines to address the complications of pregnancies at health facilities in remote areas and equipping referral health facilities to strengthen their capacities in the management and treatment of the complications through such measures as performing Cesarean Sections; and provision of family planning and supplies.

The strategic partnership of UNFPA with the Government of Ethiopia significantly contributes to the ‘Recovery and rehabilitation’ Phase and would assist in bringing back the livelihood and sustainable development to the normal pace.