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Maternal Health

Maternal Health

Maternal Health

The maternal mortality ratio in Ethiopia has declined from 871 per 100,000 live births in 2000 to 412 per 100,000 live births in 2016. The UN Interagency Maternal Mortality Ratio estimate for 2020 puts the maternal mortality ratio of Ethiopia at 267/100,000 live births showing good progress in the reduction of maternal mortality though this is still far from the SDG target of 70.

Maternal deaths among adolescents and young women remain high. 

Unsafe abortion contributes to 10 percent of maternal deaths. 

Matrnal morbidity also remains very high. On average, about 3,500 new cases of obstetric fistula are recorded annually. 

UNFPA supports various key interventions by providing direct technical and financial support and multilateral mechanisms. UNFPA is assisting the government to address the critical shortage of human resources for maternal health by supporting the training of maternal health professionals through such programs as the accelerated midwifery programme and to strengthen the capacity of health facilities on maternal and perinatal death surveillance and response system. 

UNFPA builds the capacity of health facilities to provide comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services in all settings and provision of treatment for women and girls with obstetric fistula

UNFPA is also working with community structures to create demand for maternal health services and to increase institutional delivery for improved maternal health outcomes.