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  1. Fri, 2023/06/30

    Empowering adolescent girls through community engagement

    Bule Hora, West Guji Zone, Oromia Region of Ethiopia: Fourteen year-old Ekram Bedru is a member of the “Her Space” initiative engaging ... Jóvenes Noticias Bule Hora, West Guji Zone, Oromia Region of Ethiopia ...

    Category: News
  2. Thu, 2023/06/29

    UNFPA ETHIOPIA Fact Sheet 2020-2022

    began its development assistance in Ethiopia in 1973. Currently, we ... development assistance in Ethiopia in 1973. Currently, we are implementing ... unfpa_ethiopia_factsheet_cp_2020-2022_revised_05.pdf.pdf Available Languages:  English Template 1- with PDF first page ...

    Category: Resources
  3. Thu, 2023/06/29

    Strengthening Maternity Waiting Homes to reduce maternal and newborn deaths in Tigray

    by © UNFPA Ethiopia, Paula Seijo.  Maternity Waiting Homes, a strategy ... and Reproductive Health Analyst in Tigray.  In Ethiopia, recent studies highlight ... of the Tigray Region. Photo by © UNFPA Ethiopia, Paula Seijo. Preparación ...

    Category: News
  4. Wed, 2023/06/21


    of refugees and returnees to Ethiopia as a result of the recent conflict ... of multiple shocks, including the influx of refugees and returnees to Ethiopia ...

    Category: Resources
  5. Wed, 2023/06/21


    This Situation Report highlights UNFPA Ethiopia's Response to the multiple humanitarian crises across the country during the period of May ... Ethiopia's Response to the multiple humanitarian crises across the country ...

    Category: Resources
  6. Tue, 2023/06/20

    Canadian Minister of International Cooperation visits UNFPA supported One Stop Center at Gandhi Memorial Hospital

    Ababa on May 21 as part of their official visit to Ethiopia. The One-Stop ... on May 21 as part of their official visit to Ethiopia. Off end gender-based ...

    Category: News
  7. Mon, 2023/06/19

    Statement by UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem on the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict 2023

     (name changed), who was raped when she fled conflict in Ethiopia. Or  ... at a UNFPA-supported Safe House in Tigray, Ethiopia. Violencia de género Declaración ...

    Category: News
  8. Thu, 2023/06/15

    The impact of skilled birth attendants trained on newborn care in drought-affected Somali Region, Ethiopia

    of women and girls across crisis-affected regions in Ethiopia. Women like ...

    Category: News
  9. Mon, 2023/06/12

    UNFPA’s flagship report launched nationally at a high level event

    programmes at the federal, regional, and sectoral levels in Ethiopia. “The role ...

    Category: News
  10. Tue, 2023/05/23

    Young community leaders engaged to contribute to rebuilding trust and social cohesion in northern Ethiopia

    Ethiopia. The consultations were organized as part of UNFPA's support ... young people in the three conflict-affected regions in northern Ethiopia ... and social cohesion in northern Ethiopia. Off other ...

    Category: News
