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Population Dynamics

Population Dynamics

Population Dynamics

UNFPA is providing support to integrate population dynamics into national development policy-making, planning, and program formulation and strengthen national capacity for the production, analysis, utilization, and dissemination of high-quality disaggregated population data in all settings. 

As the lead UN Agency in supporting Population and Development, we support the generation of gender-disaggregated data and information on population and reproductive health and the integration of population issues into development plans and policies. We are playing a key role in supporting censuses, demographic and health surveys, and other large-scale data-gathering exercises, including in the context of humanitarian settings, and providing technical support for the analysis and dissemination of the information generated to ensure policies and plans are evidence-based and shaped by understanding the population dynamics. 

UNFPA is providing support for the 4th Population and Housing Census and the Fifth Round of Demographic and Health Survey of Ethiopia.  Support is also being given for the setting up of a functional Integrated Management Information System both at national and regional levels.