H.E. Mr. Shibata Hironori, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Ethiopia, today visited the UNFPA supported intervention at Hawassa Industrial Park on developing the knowledge and skills of young workers on sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence. The intervention supported in partnership with the German Foundation for World Population (DSW) uses a peer education approach involving discussion sessions among workers on a range of topics such as life skills development, sexual and reproductive health, gender-based violence, menstrual health management, substance abuse, harmful practices, sexually transmitted infections and HIV.
The delegation learnt in the peer education session how this learning process has been instrumental in enhancing the employees' healthcare-seeking behaviour, helping them acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to manage their health and protect themselves from GBV. It was indicated that when the employees want to use services, they would be linked to a particular service through a referral linkage system.

Meanwhile, a delegation composed of Ms. Satsuki Fukai, First Secretary of the Economic Division at the Embassy of Japan to Ethiopia and Mr. Jan Kreutzber, Executive Director of DWS International, visited the UNFPA supported intervention on response services to gender-based violence at a safe house for survivors in Hawassa City run by the Association for Women Sanctuary and Development. It was learnt that since its opening in 2017, the safe house has assisted over 2,500 women and girls with comprehensive set of services including medical, legal, psychosocial, skills building support. The delegation was briefed about the referral process for survivors to be admitted into the safe house, the reintegration process after leaving the safe house, and the follow-up mechanisms.
The delegation also visited the Adare Health Center, where UNFPA is supporting interventions on integrated sexual and reproductive health and youth friendly services catering to the needs of a large constituency including the workers of the Hawassa Industrial Park. The delegation was given a tour of the services being provided in the youth friendly corner, family planning, ANC and postnatal care units.